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Best online fundraising platforms for charities | Ready to Serve Foundation

Ad ID 430144
  • Type: Agriculture Land

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Prepared to serve Foundation is an Indian non-Government association that pursues establishing fundamental freedoms to endurance for oppressed Indian youngsters.
They considered their to be as empowers and in this manner made a foundation that is a one of a kind model of a local area development that assumes liability for its most vulnerable and most weak individuals and roused and catalysis change for their benefit.
Ready to serve Foundation is an Indian non-Government organization (NGO) that works towards restoring basic rights to survival for underprivileged Indian children's. Unusually, the founders of Ready to Serve Foundation choose not to found grassroots-level implements organization working directly with and underprivileged children. Instead, they opted to make Ready to Serve Foundation a link between the millions of Indians who could provide resources and the thousands of dedicated field workers struggling to function for lack of them.